omg, u know guys, i was just, reading all the old posts and i think i imagined mc posting something, wait... he's real ;d tyr, we have brought life back to this place
muahahahah then i have to spend a bit here too ! thought about to look here inside while i was at my 15h work a day job! and see ya still alive mates ;) love it
Joshua George McAra is his name, currently 7 weeks old.....
So still very tired, only just managed to get back on the comp for a few games of ut, but not much else....
thx for the support guys, and no, his first words wont be Kam, sorry mate already got him signed up for DAD as his first words.....LOL
Good fun tonight COD, good games, even though i was a bit rusty but i thought i'd let you catch up in the last couple of games, didn't want you going to bed in a mood :)
meh, i ve seen you playing mc, but i promised my clan to play so i had to stay there -_- xd funny if your kid says mom first :P , or kam afterall ( tell him about the lollypop ) xd