Hi Guys :) as you know from my other post i've been trying to get a <MAD> section at my homepage forums, this is a big deal for me, as Reviewer has been my "home" for many years, & is a fairly large scale website containing DVD & hardware reviews as well as a selection of well populated forums.
& i'm happy to say the Site Admin has given us a forum for all things MAD, at the moment it's mostly the console guys that inhabit the forum, but i'm hoping this is a foot in the door to introduce a broader range of games & platforms to the clan.
if any of you guys would like to add the MAD tag in the other games you play, weather it's PC/PS3/360/Wii then that would be amazing, & i can add your games/usernames to the roster as we go along,
& don't worry about this forum disapearing, as this will allways be the home for MAD in the unreal world, but for other games i'd like you to post @ http://www.dvdreviewer.co.uk/Forums/MAD/ this way you have a good chance of meeting up with other people that play the same game, in the same clan :)