You need to sto pvisiting old Reviewer threads Mr Oggy :-p
iPhone 3GS 16 gig to get this thread back on track ;)
And for those dissing the iPad... consider this...
mount to the front roof lining of your car on a hinge, fold it down an dNOW tell me it's crap when yer watching hi def movies when yer sitting about doing nuffink in the car.
(and remember too that I drive a taxi so a wee bit more sitting about than most! )
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my main issue re= ipad, is it's iphone os limitations, if it's ran a cut down version of OsX it'd have more flexability :)
but for certain niche markets it'l be a great bit of kit, but.... if it's much more expensive than the iphone, it'll be hard for the mainstream to be able to justify the cost :)
I have a nokia too... but i dint know which one. i know that is one of the first handys with colours... but it has a touch screen too :) i i press on the display it makes funny noices like knack"