split up from my wife (married 13 years :( ) short story is, i got nowt, not even a pot to piss in at the moment.
posting this from my car, whilst "borrowing" some local wifi..... & for the record, cars are not comfy to sleep in, especialy after 5 days in a row.....
I can´t imagine what i would do if this happen to me... but i´m sure like and german byword: "nach regen folgt immer sonnenschein" in english: after rain comes sun it means all bad thinks will end someday. and i´m sure this day closer as U think^^
hope ya understand what I want to say:O
short: all the best from mekor. i´m sure it sorts itself soon
ow f*ck ogg, :( i dont know u wife, but cant she think a bit , cmon, cant u stay at home till u find somewhere to live?! :/ a bit stupid of hers, sorry saying like that.
man i really wish u the best, i know what u going through, i was outside for once too :/ its ****ed up :(
but everything wil be oke, dont think about gaming for now, first find a place to be, then the rest