tyvm kamile but... its because this ****ing vista i had try to install ut but it blow up. i try it again but the same problem. it dosent work on tis pc. other games run. and it is a medion intel core duo cpu with 1.50 GHz and 512 MP RAM (german informaition) i can try to buy a new cd but......mhhh
ne neue cd musst du dir nichtkaufen, das bringt nix.
ist das ein neuer pc? Aldi? Naja, 512 mb ram ist eine frechheit, aber da kannst du ohne bedenken nachrüsten, dann läuft es. ut2004 läuft unter vista einwandfrei, ich hab selbst vista.
Es liegt am RAM. Schreib mich mal irgendwann bei icq an, ich kann dir da helfen.
so ut works on vista for sure so... its not its foult... maybe all that ''protecting'' crap... hhhmmm i think new cd won't help.... so... mate try this.... turn all ur antivirus+firewall+security off and install ut and turn it on again... sometimes it helps :/ lol helped me with a few programs,,,on win xp. otherwise... i ve no idea why it doesnt work. lol it must be something with security... lol its vista! XD
and ... zed... i think i understand a little bit german.... so... lol what i understood is u think its cos of RAM? eemmm no mate its not, i have 512 ram and my 64 mb graphic card takes a bit of it... to calculate and stuff.. dunno how to say :/ so my pc can use 444 ram or something , and i can run it
ok ich frag dich ma dann ,du weißt ja ich kenn mich mit computern und so nich aus... nur ich weiß (von jemanden) das einige spiele nich auf vista laufen. und lol ja er is von aldi der neue leptop (900 Euro^^) er spielt aba schon gute spiele and ty for helping zed and kamile
O.O You bought a laptop for 900 which has 512mb RAM??? Vista needs 512 MB to work! When you want to PLAY, you need 512mb again.
Kamil, i think you agree, that it is because of the ram. he has vista, and vistas system requierements are 512mb RAM. that means, he can run VISTA with 512mb.
That does NOT mean, he can PLAY with 512mb RAM.
I am 100% sure, he needs more ram.
And the offer from aldi was crap ^.^
Schreib mal bitte alle daten von deinem laptop hier hin.
ive got vista too no probs with mine my sister had same problems ! damn ! wir haben ut auf festplatte kopiert es dann installiert läuft jetzt einwandfrei ! we kopied ut on hdd installed it and it works fine!