There were 10 bottles of beer on the wall, Og's had drunk the rest last saturday and his liver is failing so if we don't finish this fffing thread soon he will die before it ends, or at the utter end, a life saving doner offers his kidney for admins rights in MAD, will he won't he, just tune in next week folks.......
There were 10 bottles of beer on the wall, Og's had drunk the rest last saturday and his liver is failing so if we don't finish this fffing thread soon he will die before it ends, or at the utter end, a life saving doner offers his kidney for admins rights in MAD, will he won't he, just tune in next week folks.......
ps, a prize to the funniest post's in the last 10.... I include mine Muhahahaha
There were 9 bottles of beer on the wall, Og's had drunk the rest last saturday and his liver is failing so if we don't finish this fffing thread soon he will die before it ends, or at the utter end, a life saving doner offers his kidney for admins rights in MAD, will he won't he, just tune in next week folks.......
There were 9 bottles of beer on the wall, Og's had drunk the rest last saturday and his liver is failing so if we don't finish this fffing thread soon he will die before it ends, or at the utter end, a life saving doner offers his kidney for admins rights in MAD, will he won't he, just tune in next week folks.......
There were 8 bottles of beer on the wall, Og's had drunk the rest last saturday and then he got this strange feeling in his stomack. He went to the doctor who examined him and said: "Congratulations Lad, you're pregnant!". Oggy went home thinking "Whats the cheapest and fastest way to get an abortion?". He soon found the answer: Drink more beer and DROWN the little bastard!
There were 8 bottles of beer on the wall, Og's had drunk the rest last saturday and then he got this strange feeling in his stomack. He went to the doctor who examined him and said: "Congratulations Lad, you're pregnant!". Oggy went home thinking "Whats the cheapest and fastest way to get an abortion?". He soon found the answer: Drink more beer and DROWN the little bastard!
There were 7 bottles of beer on the wall, Og's had drunk the rest last saturday and then he got this strange feeling in his stomack. He went to the doctor who examined him and said: "Congratulations Lad, you're pregnant!". Oggy went home thinking "Whats the cheapest and fastest way to get an abortion?". He soon found the answer: Drink more beer and DROWN the little bastard!
There were 7 bottles of beer on the wall, Og's had drunk the rest last saturday and then he got this strange feeling in his stomack. He went to the doctor who examined him and said: "Congratulations Lad, you're pregnant!". Oggy went home thinking "Whats the cheapest and fastest way to get an abortion?". He soon found the answer: Drink more beer and DROWN the little bastard!
There were 6 bottles of beer on the wall, Og's had drunk the rest last saturday and then he got this strange feeling in his stomack. He went to the doctor who examined him and said: "Congratulations Lad, you're pregnant!". Oggy went home thinking "Whats the cheapest and fastest way to get an abortion?". He soon found the answer: Drink more beer and DROWN the little bastard!
There were 6 bottles of beer on the wall, Og's had drunk the rest last saturday and then he got this strange feeling in his stomack. He went to the doctor who examined him and said: "Congratulations Lad, you're pregnant!". Oggy went home thinking "Whats the cheapest and fastest way to get an abortion?". He soon found the answer: Drink more beer and DROWN the little bastard!
Suddenly there were only 5 bottle of beer left on the wall, 1 stolen by myself then drunk in the tree of heavenly beerbottles, growing from that tree and a toilet in the neighbourhood cause sky just found out if you drink all night long he needs to go to the toilet every 30 minutes almost exploding his blather if he tries to hold up and also not to eat pizza before he goes drinking ,cause he also just found out if he eats pizza before drinking all night long his pizza will end up in the toilet.. but no the original way our body was made to make it leave , in other words he just puked it out again... and thats because he shouldn"t had drank salt and beer together... hell of a night yesterday ^^
after sky has stolen the 5th. bottle, there were only 4 bottles of beer left on the wall. and because alcohol damages the liver i decided to take a bottle and throw it away. but i throw the bottle too hard and so i did a kill and was searched by the police ..... but the police didn't detect me because i went home and continued playing UT =D hope you all understand the story =P
there were left just three bottles of beer i shared 2 of this with booth and now the last bottle of beer stay on the wall and wait for kkkkkkkkkkkkkaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmmmmmmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the master of spam ! muahahahahah