if your using a router, you'll need to foreward the port ut3 uses so it can bypass the hardware firewall built into the router, otherwise you'll probs be able to "see" the server, but not join it, or get a return ping (ping "NA")
well what kinda crap is that...i opened up the given ports (almost same as ut2004) in the router ..i even disabled the complete FW in the router and no changes.
like i said i basicly the same ports as ut2004 but i never opened ports for that one (nor for almost any other game)
moderm routers (like mine SpeedTouch780i) have upnp that open up the ports needed to let a program acces the internet so even though i opened up ports that would make no difference....i think epic dropped the ball on this one
hmmm,,,, stig, gimme untill tonight, i'll do a direct connection to the pc, then try to host a game, then i'll let you know how i go on with it, if it works, then at least we have narrowed the problem down...