oh, he uses alot of abusive language, no really nice things :( shadow said that u bother him using "better" weapons and that u play nooblike... don't really understand whats his problem in this situation, cuz i wasnt there... he sais that he wanted to train with a bot or somethin, when i translated it the right way. anyways alot of indignities, whats not okay i think. u can say everything in different ways, and abusive language isnt the right way. to insult someone in a language he dont know is not pretty, too. i can understand u, sky, that u dont want >nsw< called a clan with bad attitude cuz of one person. but kamil only erased his name, his text is still there. hope we can forget this as soon as possible to stay friends alltogether its a pity, cuz i played shadow lots of times the last days, and he's always friendly. he should be friendly to peeps he dont know, too...
edit btw @ kamil: being called a cheater is just a hint that u are too good for the rest xD
ok kamil , plz do ; i never call people noobs . so plz go ahead , you really think im going to help you if you say these things ? still want to see the original 1, its hard for me to explain stuff in french and even harder if i dont even know the name he was flaming too so plz give me yur name :) will help me a lot. and personally im kinda curious what name yu used :)) since ... im pretty sure shadow wouldn t go angry on a person he doesnt know just for nottin and if he did like you are saying i can do something about it and prevent he will do it again...
i love my clan and like the people who are in it. and i m sure he didn t say those things without a reason, and if he did ill take concequences , but i still need the name he used.
omfg man i only edited the screen to remove my name and to save it as .jpeg and u dont say noob alot sky but i saw u yesterday or something calling someone a cheater -.- but..forget about this ..i just want to play normal without making everybody angry or something and if u want to know what mmy name was it was '' UberL33tHax '' i wanted to stay unknown but it doesnt matter any more -.- and i ve no idea how my name can help -.- u just see what i wrote and what he wrote -.- I DIDNT edit the tekst -.- i wont post original one cos i already did lol i removed my name from the original ... and i didnt say ur clan has bad attitude -.-
I played n$w shadow this morning , I said hi , he said hi I think , then went on to kill him 3 times in a row , he did nt kill me at all , dont think he even hit me lol . After the 3rd kill he called me a noob and left , I was playing as {BFG}Rip btw.
btw on the subject of bad attitude , does any1 know who MUH! is , wow hes got bad attitude , i owned him in tdm today he was saying he would fookin own me in 1v1 lots of other insults over the last few days also.
i know him .... lol i lost vs him -.- if its that guy i know lol but mostly u can find him with ''muh'' name lol i think he has more names but i forgot (-_-') maybe , i dont know... maybe its ''un-known'' or something i cant write his name as it rly looks cos it doesnt show when i post it -.-