Hey guys I'm PhoeniXx and I'm from germany... My real name is Max and I am 16 years old. I already spoke with CoD that i want to join the M.A.D clan... I always play on Morpheus3 Mad servers or labrats cage. If you are interested in me you can watch me playing or whatever ;) Hope you like it. PhoeniXx
heyhey m8 welcome in forum =] and gl in joining the clan whats about the same rules like they was when tyrael and me were the recruit commanders?????^^
I ve played u today so np :D need to play more often tho : ) if u ask me , ur ready to be mad xd , are u mentally prepared? lols i wonder how many members mad would have if the rules were like b4 , like playing vs me or tyr , or other admin i guess, on max , with everything on the map, and score 2 kills lol i remember giving kills away just to make ppl pass xd
Arigatho tyraelsanchansama, ! lol, suddenly masterpiece made of 5 dozen eggs mixed the fu''ckkk outta 'em , thousands of 'em ! lol.. lets organize a mad war :D llleeeerroooooyyy nnnjjeeennkkiinnnssss! -ness
you guy probably don't have a clue what this is about, i assure u , neither do we rofl. let me explain, its the bloodline, that bloodline?! - that bloodline! :o