hmm do you play some mods of ut 04 ? im playing toc (tactical ops crossfire) and deathball toc toc is like couterstrike but its a very nice game with planting bombs or rescuing hostages.. deathball deathball is a lil bit like the ingame ut hmm what is it called bombin run i think you are on a soccer field and you have a "deathball" ^^ and have to goal .. you only have the one weapon but you can kill others with this weapon when they have the ball .. its very nice :)
i played a MMO/RPG of ut2004 its very cool u can get there some lvl's and u can skill ur char ! there are 3 groups (weapon master/adrenaline junky/healthy ... dont know if the 2nd and the 3rd are rght XD) u can play against othere player there and agaisnt monsters , u can do some quests and there are bases and a dungen :D:D:D:D:D (wiht bosses ^^)
here are the ip's of the server: