played pretty much my first proper game in nearly a month today, & on the first game i played someone using the name DarKstar1, heres a screen.. i was Hiro...
he was idling for about 3 or 4 mins before i kicked him, not playing or speaking... his ut04 id is 2096461
i havn't played much recently cos of stuff at home, & coming back to noobs like this is annoying, makes it very hard to support the comunity when you get a prick like this that can't play very well (even on my first game back i was beating him very easily & i was playing real bad...) then calls me a noob :/ talk about being a child & throwing your dummy out :/
i've also just found out that larry is sick of all the ungratefull fukwits like the one above, that he has decided to stop supporting the comunity with servers, his servers will end on the 31st of this month.
whats even worse is the person that pushed him beyond breaking point was running the MAD tag.... using the name Mad>Suckitoff obviously this is not a real MAD member (at least, it really better Not be a real MAD member.....) probably just some jealous arshole, that doesn't wanna grow up, but it's these cretins that are killing the game, btw heres the arseholes email addy, feel free to spam & abuse him.. & he signed his email off with this line Best Regards from MAD with the typical attitude Haha!
nice way to talk larry huh ? this is a guy thats spent 45 euro a month for 2 years on servers for us, & some arseholes treat him like that !!!!!!
the above email addy belongs to MAD-Suckobert.... he should consider himself banned from the clan, if anybody see's him in game please ensure he knows, & if an admin is present please also ban him from the server.
meh, what a crap :/ i know many of those idiots, mostly i warn them about their attitude, if they keep doing that.... eh i use old mad admin codes to ban or kick them ( hope u dont mind )
i know about larry's servers, i havent played much there cos of bad connection with those server and mostly cos of those people like mr. darkstar above. ( i couldnt ban on those servers lol... pass was different :/ )
i think people acting like that should be global banned.
hiya kam, no i don't mind you using the kick/banning stick on our servers, i trust your judgement. (same applies to Booth) i've tried really hard today & wanted to get back into the game, but these types of people make it hard...... still, tomorrows another day, & i'll try again....
How did you know it belonged to Suckobert? I know the guy briefly from his time in revs, he seemed ok, but he was active on the forum about as much as he is now in MAD. So their is really no way of telling what he is or is not capable of.
Anyways very unfortunate business and this should not go unpunished and i am sorry that this has drove larry to this point.
i don't really care when someone is rude to me on the servers, i just do my best and don't speak to them. they usually leave sooner or later.... sometimes , sooner than i want, Lol
On the subject of removing people. How about Silent Blizzaed aka Born2Kill. I mean i don't like the guy at all. Allways calling me noob and fu stuff like that when he gets killed. The fact that he is a mad member and does not use the tag should be dealt with. A right nick laming bar-steward lol see what i done their^^?
Whenever i see a prick like this i always logon to server admin and get his ip and global id. I then try to identify who he is and make it know that i know who he really is, then , they tend to leave.