With 5 admins and so many players couldn't the admins make a tournament,... to know avery1 hes skill, to learn every1 hes skill and play better on a Team, that was one of the probs i think on the war against infact. and it would be funny to play with eacht other, forget abit the war and wars... i think it would help the clan and a lot of skils
and if u say yes that u want, make sure that u know for sure that u can play, not like, i can come and then u dont show up, every1 waiting for u. and so the tournament wont be funny. so make sure.
oke, can i make a tournamen for u guys, i think with Ruzhyu.... am only a special member of the foruma and clan... i'm no admin so... i ask u if i can make the war, if i get some help from u?
u will get help from me lino =) if u want when we get all the replies, we can suggest a date, the time and make a little roster....who plays against who, of course randomized, but before that people need to reply to this post, there should be a minimum amount of players of about 8 people..... so shall we organize this lino? ^^
i would suggest a tournament of 1 vs 1, that way it can be easily structured..... ....winner advances and at the end there will be a final. best of three each match. lets see what the ogster has to say first tho...
man that suxx, u have 23 players "with admins" and only 9 people voted -_- " there are 10 votes, because i voted" wanted to see the results... and the most people dont know for sure if they can play.....