i joined a mad server today and there were two guys playing a 1v1 and they said: "LEAVE!".. i was like "wtf? this is a free server u can't tell people to leave like that" and again they said "JUST LEAVE U FCKIN MORRON".... if they would have been more polite i would have spectated or something.... so i didn't leave and the guy that was on my team changed and said "wanna leave now?" rofl i loved it lol, trying to scare me... and i said "nope" and owned them both untill they left to another server.
i had a lot of fun with them lol but still we want don't them to offend others who play in our servers so their names are kyklinge and SkruMp
i'm beggining to feel a zero tolerence policy coming on, when peeps camp on servers telling you to F/Off & generally screaming noob at you, well, these guys are on the wrong servers, as has allready been said, if somebody asks nicely, then a guy might decide to spec & let em, but general rudeness just shows a lack of respect for the servers, & from now on will result in an instant BAN. the only way to remove the ban would then be to apeal on these forums, then the admins will decide their fate.
yes one of those guys that have zero repect is " special-K ", i was playing with stallion, someguy came in a ask him to spec ( nicely ofcourse ) and he did spec, then came special_K in, i asked and he started to calling names and that quide of stuff,.... dont like him...