hi all i think we need a new war against mhh don´t know but waht about revs or bfg or fake don´t know but i where very happy to play against an other clan :)
btw with war i mean an friendly war just for fun ok
loooll.. zed .. i dont think we should do this but perhaps like meki said a clanwar or a meeting on a mad server :D i dont really know who is mad now or not .. :(
wtf who are mad`s? if im playing always with tag ! i am KaiShun i spend my whole freetime to play or be in forum, and thats not really much now ! other clans have probs 2 ! in my heart there is a little extra heart only for M.A.D there not real much players in m3 from allied clans 2 just bfg is always there to play every time dont know when you are playing ! i lost my connection now so i can just play with my sisters pc and that after work ! now im workin 7 days a week, sometimes 15 hours a day ! damn still 6 weeks to go ! till i get it! also ive got to pay for my new kitchen, couch and ................... so what ya want from me ! damn ! keep cool and let i go try to recruit people and keep playing with M.A.D in your heart
i work so hard now to get faster back online to play ut with my friends and hf with ya all