hey,,, just wanted to ask... who is actieve here. ONLY members i see on ut and here are me tyrael callofdeath and scorch... where the fúck are the others?! the forum is kind of empty... noone writes something, only in spam forum some of u do. so wtf?! are u all at school or work all the time? or... or what :/ i know im kind of lot everywhere... but the most people i havent seen for a month or longer. so.... if everyone who reads this just reply so i know whos here ;) pls! kamil
hum.... im online too... but not that often as before, cuz of school. (zed, u know... abitur-prüfungen die nächsten monate und so) ingame i have the feeling that alot ppl play ut3 now, many ut04 server are nearly empty the last time... :/
exactly.... otherwise, i write in english... :) to make my post a little bit clear: i have exams in school, for my graduation, thats why im not online/ingame as much as before.
im still allive but much to do with my new work and my new living room and my time i will spend with playing online because i dont know how fast i get my internet i read much i write sometimes something here in forum
kamil is right.... ut is getting boring.. no one plays anymore, when i was MIT the servers were always full of mad members, and look at them now!!... only neutral players there. only me, call, kaishun and kamil play... I understand some of u have strong motives to be unactive... work and stuff but i'm talking to those who have free time but they still dont play. like scorch, he got addicted in gw and he doesn't even play ut now...
wow has been a while since i posted here. Talking with Falaputo i think that it is wise to let u know before u all wonder what the hell is happening. Hopefully this will benefit both clans and sort out the "active" problems. No longer are ReV$ allowing dual clanning in our er clan ! I have many reasons for coming to this. I hardly see mad players on the servers only i see 3 or 4 nowadays CallofDeath, Kaishun, Tyrael and Kamil. Maybe because they are all wearing the revs tag? lol who knows. This decision will hopefully unite the players that were in the clan together again and can only be for " the great of good " ( haha hott fuzz quote :D ). So yea i hope that u can accept this however i cannot say if all members will return to you that have been dual clanning with us. I counted 11 from mad so if this has been the source of the problem then i do apologize and i still hate to do this. However this is the time for ReV$ to grow and we cannot do this without unity and loyalty and respect. I am sorry for the members who have to leave revs if u do decide. If this involves u then go to the revs forum ( revs.activeboard.com ) Im outta here ...
here i am :D but i sometimes play with other names ... like °RêV$°«¿øîZ« $høcKâå, jûmPzzz«*, or gîràffémîtwåffê lol but i think i am active enough because some people say that im hooked in ut but i dont think they are right
thats why im confused with any1! every1 uses 10 or more nicks dont know who is playing ! im Kaishun and just use this one the buddie list dont work so ! Call use his name Tyrael use it zed i think if he s playing freak Wave Kamil i know sometimes but im confused also with revs dont know who is playing