.... say hallo to the second call of death? so... i think this screen says enough. ( i said to him to change his name but he didnt listen... read.. lol i made this screen b4 thats why u cant see me saying that)
eemmm its not a joke :/ its a guy that uses hes name lol :/ so...whos the real call of death? the new-cáll óf déath-noob guy? or CoD (like he calls himself) guy? LOL T_T i couldnt ban him... i dont have adminrights there Y_Y lol
why the hell u want to ban him ? like i told in the spam post ... the thing i made up took only 1/10 of the time Cod needed for his name WHICH isn t really an original name xD its really sooo funny since he changed my status and i didnt even had to do anything to get a good laugh :p ... haha.. and now you want to ban that guy for having some1s name by accident ? really mature ... i dont say my nick is original too =) .. but there are other ways to ask him to change his name than to force him or to ban him .... lol .... xD hahhahaha