well, in order to improve my skills i decided to accept booth's offering and join revs. im not saying that i cant improve here, its just that here only 4 or 5 players can match my skills and 2 or 3 can beat me. there all players own me, so i think i can learn a lot there. i will use the MAD tag mostly but ill use the revs tag as well from times to times. so, if anyone is against this dualclaning im going to start (remember what dual claning lead 2 last time we spoke of it), talk now, or forever shut the hell up.
well from times to times. so, if anyone is against this dualclaning im going to start (remember what dual claning lead 2 last time we spoke of it),( talk now, or forever shut the hell up.)
as i told b4 i will use MAD tag most of the time... i just want to know what i can learn from them... and if we have wars against them, ill fight for my home (MAD) of course. and booth told me to join revs kinda... 3 months ago. lol.
''there all players own me,'' man -.- xD XD XD ... lool man... not all... there are only a few that win vs u ... i think 5 or something :P but welcome in revs lol .... booth has u finaly rofl :P now.. i ll ask him what happened with eagle eye... xD
not sure? !!! NOT SURE!!??? rofl man .... -.- i beat call , ogs too i think i havent played vs u for years lloool :P so dunno...and stopps... does he play? lool and i never in my life saw this lunatic guy : / man where is he? loool and zed... dont forget alu and stig :P and look... the skilled guys in mad... dont play rly much... revs play more... and i think they have more skilled players.. so.. and btw.. i play like a noob since my mouse fell a few times on the ground and doesnt rly work well rofl... and my monitor... i forgot to tell u guys... i have a ''new'' one.. 15 inch or something rofl.... but im still able to play and win :D ... sometimes lol ...
i beat kamil... sometimes, rofl. i never played zed since he recruited me.... i remember beating stigs... lol.. maybe he was drunk, ogs i havent beaten... lunatic i never saw him.... and alu.... is my master so it would be wrong to beat him^^. and i was refering to players only in mad. not dualclaners..
@ i wrote kamiul instead of kamil and he made me edit my post to change :( . bad boy kamil, bad boy... lol :P
hey zed, dont forget me :D lol for real, do i match ur skill scorch? xD i really dunno, havnt played much the last weeks... damn school -.- havent played u very often i think, cant remember when the last time was ^^